Wednesday, January 31, 2024

On The Painting Desk- 5 Day Painting Challenge - Day 3

Day 2 was a bit frustrating as I tried to get White armor AND do Speed Painting to get there.  Overall, that was a stupid idea and a big mistake, at the end of the day the armor was done.  On the down side, it didn't look like I had accomplished anything!  They still mostly looked primed and I had put a lot of coats of paint on the models.  

Therefore, when today started I decided to put the basic scheme together on a couple of the models to see what I thought about it.  

Hmmm, honestly not sure but I am committed now!  Very few paint schemes look good at this stage anyway.  The main colors are just blocked in and there is still a lot of detailing to do.  Here is the plan for the next couple of days: 

  1. Today - Block in Purple and Blue on weapons
  2. Day 4 - Detail up the models
  3. Day 5- Finishing like wash, highlight, basing, and seal
  4. Day 6 - Play some games! 
Aggressive but still do able. 

Traditionally, I was taught to paint from the lowest point and then work up.  So, you paint exposed skin first, then under clothing, then armor, then stuff on the armor and equipment last.  I don't know if that is a winning approach for these models.  The tabards are all very dynamic and run close to the armor at many points.  It may have been better to start with the tabards before the armor, especially since I made the armor white!  

I did manage to get the biggest block colors on, the purple and the dark blue.  That means I am on track for the outline I gave above.  I might need to switch to one or two minis at a time to finish the detailing tomorrow.  

It was a surprisingly and unexpectedly busy day today, so I feel pretty lucky that I got as far as I did.  I also managed to get a start on the Icon for the Icon Bearer.  A surprisingly intricate model and one of the tougher ones to paint so far.  

They still don't look like much thanks to the white armor.  I probably should have gone with Palid Bone, the color I used on my Dark Eldar weapons.  I know how that colors works!  Oh well, too late now.  

Tomorrow it is onto the detail work for the individual models.  They all have little bits of iconography, and I think I will use regular army painter paints for some of that to help it POP just a bit more.  Hopefully, tomorrow I have a bit more time so I can be a bit patient.  I don't think I do though!

Until tomorrow.  Thanks for following along on this journey! 

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1 comment:

  1. The icon looks fantastic!

    Maybe I'm not seeing something due to the lighting, but I like how the white has turned out especially when the figures are gathered en masse.
