Monday, May 29, 2017

Aeronautica Imperialis: Battle Report- Air Raid on Skulltop

This battle took place as part of the Blood and Irongard campaign in 2013.  It uses custom aircraft and rules from the campaign that can be found in my Aeronautica Imperialis review here.


Magos Vandros had analyzed the data from the recon flights. Using this data and sophisticated techno-babble he was able to pinpoint the likely location of several Ork ground bases that threatened the airspace around the Red Robe Mines. He decided to clear them out prior to moving back into the old Imperial outpost at the Red Robes Minehead.

In coordination with General Krygar, Capt. Magryg, and Sergeant Two-Feathers; the Magos devised a series of air operations intended to draw the Orks out and away from their bases. This operation would be spearheaded by Adeptus Mechanicus and Imperial Navy forces in order to sell the threat. Meanwhile, Space Marine and House Hurtzui mercenaries would try to bypass the air defenses and attack the Ork bases directly.

For the most part, the plan worked as intended. However, the wily Boss Iron Head was suspicious of such a blatant show of force, and his low cunning recognized it as a trap. He held his flyboyz back, despite their protests. When the attack on the bases materialized, he was ready to spring a trap of his own. 

Air Raid on Skulltop
Warzone: Red Robe Mines

House Hurtzui Wardogs
1 Lightning “Strike”- Flight Officer Dylon Trazor
+Additional Weapon Load

1 Lightning “Strike”- Flight Officer Gray Roshinko
+Additional Weapon Load

1 Skyhammer- Flight Officer Magdalena Huff
+Additional Weapon Load

1 Skyhammer- Flight Officer Mykel Madsyn
+Additional Weapon Load

1 Sentry- Flight Officer Koree Paltine
+Additional Weapon Load

1 Sentry- Flight Officer Yancy Mallory
+Additional Weapon Load

Total= 98 points

Da Skrapperz
Fighta- Boss Ironhead- Ace
+Additional Weapon Load
+Rokit Boosta

Fighta- Dakkablitz

Fighta- Skumbo

Fighta-Bomma- Toofgrabba
+Additional Weapon Load

Heavy Flak Kannon

2 Flak Wagons

Total= 101 Points

Skulltop has two buildings with 2 hits each and a radio tower with 2 hits. The Landing Pad itself will have 4 hits. 

Since I won the Recon mission, it made sense that I would be the attacker in this mission. The Wardogs were tasked with destroying an Ork Fighta base; designated Skulltop. 

Skulltop would be placed on a ridge, that we decided to make altitude 2. The ridge was placed 12 inches in from each board edge, and the buildings placed on top of it towards the south side. A group of radiating cliffs and bluffs surrounded Skulltop as well. These were Alt 1 and 2 as appropriate. The Orks also placed their Ground Defenses in the area of the base, with the Flak wagons along the most likely route of attack and the Heavy Flak Kanon on the ridge with the base.

The Ork interceptors were coming in on the board edge closest to Skulltop. To the South were Dakkablitz and Skumbo at mid alt and speed. To the North was Boss Ironhead and Toofgrabba. 

The Wardogs came in on the opposite side. The Sentry and Skyhammers lined up along a direct route towards the target. The Lightning Strikes set-up on the far North. All were moving fast and at mid-alt. 

Turn 1:
Initiative: Imperials

The Imperials moved forward towards the base on relatively straight approaches. The Skyhammers fell in behind Sentry 2. Meanwhile, the Lightning Strikes stayed on the far Northern side. 

The Orks angled in towards the center of the board as they raced over Skulltop.

No one had the range. 

Turn 2
Initiative: Imperials

The two sides raced towards each other on a collision course. The Fightas squaring off against the Sentry, while Boss Ironhead ended up heading straight for the Strikes. Meanwhile, the Skyhammers scooted towards the South to try and bypass the ensuing furball and the ground defenses. 

Sentry 2 opened fire at long range on Fighta 1, but his shots and skystrike went wide. 

Boss Ironhead opened up on Strike 1, and peppered the plain with shells. However, it failed to cause any serious damage. However, a return burst of Lascannon fire grazed past the Bosses Fighta and caused it to blow smoke. The Boss vowed to have a few words with his oiler Grotz when he got home. 

Sentry 1 tried to strafe the Flakwagon, bit missed. 

Fighta 1 and 2 were out of range of their Big Shootas, so they shouted at the enemy in dismay! The Flakwagon also returned fire on Sentry 1 but only managed to fill the sky with tracers. 

The Fighta-Bomma decides to launch his dual Grot Bombs.

Turn 3
Initiative: Imperial 

The Strikes on the North make their turn in towards Skulltop, and activate their targeting computers. Meanwhile, the Orks scramble around to try and get in position to attack the ground attack craft, but seem to flub most of their angles. Only Boss Ironhead seems to get a bead on Sentry 2. 

The Imperials have no shots. 

The Grot and Runtherd minding the Eavy Flak Kannon see the Strikes bearing down on Skulltop and spring into action. The grots crank the heavy gun into position, and with glee the untherd yanked the lanyard to fire. 

Oh dear! Lightning Strike 2 suddenly explodes as the shell impacts directly into the aircraft. Flight Officer Gray Roshinko is instantly killed in the blast! 

The forward Flakwagon fires on the remaining Strike. Shells bracket the plane as it screams towards its target. However, none seem to do more than chip the paint. 

Boss Ironhead fires on Sentry 2, but his shells fail to find their mark. 

Turn 4
Initiative: Imperial

The Strike and the Skyhammers move towards the target area. Skyhammer 1 fails to dive low enough for a strafing run, but the Strike and Skyhammer 2 are lined up to fire. 

Meanwhile, Fighta 1 vectors in on the Skyhammers, and Boss Ironhead targets the trailing Sentry 2 escort. 

Skyhammer 2 opens fire on the landing pad, and its rockets and Auto-cannons tear into the rugged surface causing three damage points, 1 short of destroying it outright. 

The second Flakwagon fires on the incoming Strike, but fails to find its mark despite sending up a curtain of fire.

Strike 1 lets loose with its Hellstrike missiles and turns the nearest building into a pile of rubble! 

The Eavy Flak Kannon tries to retaliate on the Strike, but misses. 

Fighta 1 peppers Skyhammer 1 with firepower, but most of it is either deflected or sinks harmlessly into the durable airframes hull. 4 hits and no damage! 

Sentry 2 fires on the Grot Bomb 2, but fails to down the small craft.

The forward Flakwagon manages to hit Skyhammer 2, and the PDF aircraft begins to blow smoke. 

Boss Ironhead grinned savagely and opened fire on Sentry 2. This time, the Orks close range firepower was too much and the small interceptor was sent plummeting towards the ground below trailing fire. However, FO Mallory managed to bail-out in time. 

Turn 5
Initiative: Imperial

The Skyhammers buzz close over the base, but can't slow down enough to fire on it again. However they seem to have picked up a tail or two as Fighta 1 and the Fighta-bomma move into their six. 

The remaining strike buzzes the base and spirals back to give it another peppering. However, a Grot Bomb and Boss Ironhead move to intercept him. 

Sentry 1 goes in low over the ridge and moves to strafe the Eavy Flak Kannon. 

Strike 1 fires his last Hellstrikes, but fails to hit the landing pad due to his quick manuevering and snap fire as Ork aircraft breathe down his throat. 

Fighta 1 sprays down the smoking Skyhammer 2, and the aircraft simply disintegrates from the fire. However, the pilot FO Madsyn manages to eject over enemy territory.

Sentry 2 strafes the Eavy Flak Kannon and kills the Runtherd and several of his gunnerz. However, the gun is still operational after taking 1 hit. The Kannon returns fire but misses by a mile or two. 

Boss Ironhead eviscerates Strike 1 at close range with his Big Shootas. The Flight Officer Dylon Trazor rides the flaming bird into amongst the Ork base, scattering flaming wreckage across the landing pad. 

The Flakwagon near Skulltop fires at the retreating Skyhammer, and sprays it with bullets. A few find their mark and the plane begins to leak fluids. 

The two Grot Bombs run out of fuel and drop from the sky the way bricks tend to drop. 

Turn 6- Disengagement
Initiative: Orks

Tailing Fire: Ork Fighta 1 opens up while tailing the damaged Skyhammer, however the altitude difference keeps most of the lead flying by over the Skyhammer's canopy. 

Both the remaining Wardog planes manage to disengage off the short table edge. 


Ouch, that was a turkey shoot! I earned 50 VP for ground targets, 12 for thwarting the Grot Bombs attempts to hit me, 6 points for a damages Eavy Flak Kannon, and 12 for damaging Boss Ironhead for a grand total of 80 VP. Da Skrapperz earned 40 for the Lightning Strikes, 14 for a Skyhammer, and 14 for a Sentry for a grand total of 68 VP. 

I can't believe I won that game! It didn't feel like a win at all. Weird.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

All Quiet on the Martian Front: Battle Report- Counter-attack at Yellow Medicine River

After the defeat at Camp Release, the Martians attempted to chase down the fleeing humans.  However, they encountered unexpectedly stiff resistance.  The delay allowed the Minnesota volunteers to regroup at Fort Ridgeley.  High Command at Fort Snelling rushed reinforcements to the area to bolster the defenses. 

After the success of the rearguard, the Minnesota Volunteers sent an armored column back up the river to blunt the continued Martian advance and to probe the enemy for potential weakness.  A screening force of Rough Riders went ahead of the main force looking for trouble.  Behind this screen came steaming the armored column. 

Little did the humans know, but a Martian advanced guard had been put in place to act as a trip wire for the rest of the cell.  These machines were dug into the woodlands, fields, and bluffs of the region.  There they waited for the expected human counter-attack.


Martian Advanced Guard  
Scout + Target- 150
Grenadier- 100
Slaver Tripod- 100
2x Lobotons- 40
3x Drones- 60
3x Assault Tripods

Minnesota Volunteers
2 Rough Rider Squads- 90 points

1 MkII Command Tank-
3 MK II Tanks- 240
3 MK II Tanks- 240
3 MKIII Tanks- 280
1 Field Gun Battery- 80

The Martians are in hiding using Blip markers scattered around the board.  1 Blip marker per unit, so it is clear Tripods are about, but unclear where they are.  Blips are revealed when you come within 6 inches of them, they move, or they shoot. 

The Minnesota Volunteers will have initiative to start the battle.  The bulk of the Minnesota forces are in reserve.  They will begin to arrive in Turn 2 on a d6 roll of 5+ with each subsequent turn reducing it 1 until they auto arrive at 1+. 

The treeline is soft cover for all units for Def +1.  

The Martians are trying to destroy the human attackers while the Humans are trying to drive the Martians away and press on up river. 

The board is fields to the south, with the dense Great Woods on the North side.  The River is assumed to be just off board to the south.  A few scattered bluffs block off the fields and woods. 

On the Easy side, two squads of Rough Rider scouts are deployed 6 inches in from a short board edge. The Minnesota Volunteers will arrive on this edge.  Martian blips are along the tree line and behind a few bluffs. 

Turn 1:
Initiative:  Minnesota Volunteers

The Rough Riders race forward but are still too far away to reveal any blips.  Those canny Martians are in deep cover. 

However, a scout Tripod chooses to rise up from behind a bluff in front of the first Rough Rider squad.  Instead of using its fearsome Heat Ray, it illuminates the 2nd Rough Rider squad near the woods.  From the distant tree line the familiar double “Whoomp” of a grenadier tripod can be heard.  Dreaded B;ack Dust fall within the squad and kill 2 units, and cause the third to flee.  The Scout, its mission accomplished falls back from the advancing humans. 

Turn 2:
Initiative: Martians win!

The scout paints the second Rough Rider Squad.  This time, Black Dust rains on them from the Grenadier and causes one unit to wither and die.  However, his squad mates stay in the fight!

The fleeing cyclists from 2nd Squad rally and turn their bikes around.   The first squad takes cover behind a bluff, while the remains of the second head for the closest blip in the treeline.  Meanwhile, the rest of their column begins to rumble into the area.  The command tank leads the MkIIIs and a squad of Mark IIs pulling the field guns. 

In their second move, the 2nd squad of Rough Riders revealed two blip markers to be Lobotons! 

Turn 3:
Initiative: Minnesota Volunteers

The Rough Riders scoot along the tree line and reveal a unit of Drones!  The field Battery unhook and set-up to fire.  Meanwhile, the last of the armored column rumbles onto the board. 

 The MKIII’s target the scout and open fire with a deafening barrage.  The scout loses a point of armor. The MkII’s reduce the Loboton slicers to 1 stand.  In response, the rest of the alien monsters stumble out of their hiding places to attack the humans!

Heat Rays reach out to the advancing Tanks!  In the barrage, a MkII is detonated by shock canisters and two of the leading MKII’s are brewed up!  The human remnants stay in the fight.  Martian Drones swarm the Rough Riders of 2nd squad.  The brave riders are all killed! 

Turn 4:
Initiative: Minnesota Volunteers

The human advance is slowed by burning tanks, but they manage to form a firing line to concentrate their fire on the Martian slaver.  The barrage starts with the Command tanks machine gun cutting down the approaching Slicers.  With that, the signal flag goes up and the rest of the tanks open fire on the Slaver in a coordinated salvo!  The Field Batteries also target the Slaver, but the barrage manages to take out a nearby Drone.  Despite all the firepower, the Slaver still stands tall. 

The Martian counter-attack is fierce!  The last of Squad 1’s MKII’s is brewed up by the Blasters.  Meanwhile, various single shots from Heavy Heat Rays eliminate the last two MkIII tanks.  Things do not look good for the Volunteers.  

The Martian infantry presses forward and closes in on the tanks.  Their masters continue to lurk cautiously in the tree line. 

Turn 5:
Initiative: Minnesota Volunteers

The remaining Volunteers slowly start falling back, their cannons blazing.  However, their fire is relatively ineffective.  The machine gun from the Rough Riders only manages to take out 1 Blaster.  The field batteries quickly limber up as the Minnesotans prepare to withdraw off the board. 

The Martians sense victory and their war horns begin to blow to signal for a pursuit.  Their Heat Rays lash out with precision fire.  The Human Command tank explodes from a direct hit!   Black Dust from the grenadier and Loboton fire takes out two more MKIIs.  As the Martian forces close in the last few Minnesotans decide that retreat is not enough and instead break into a rout! 

With the defeat of the Minnesotans counter-attack the Minnesota River Valley returned to a hostile stalemate.  The Martian advance had been blunted, but the Humans had failed to gain back any territory lost to the advancing Tripods.  Instead, a stalemate developed near the Wood Lake area of the river.  Minnesotan and federal engineers began to hastily assemble defensive emplacements there of barbed wire, trenches, and gun emplacements. 

Meanwhile, replacement equipment from the Twin Cities industrial area began to pour into the Minnesota River Valley.  Fort Snelling even received authorization to deploy Federal troops to support the defenses.  A showdown was coming between man and Martian in the Minnesota River Valley.

Final Thoughts
Huh, Lobotons are kind of cool.  They are dirt cheap and forced me to draw back as my daughter pressed forward.  They were hardly worth shooting, but I couldn’t let them just keep coming.  On the other hand, I couldn’t seem to get solid shots on the Slaver either.  In this game I managed 5 damaging hits, to 13.  That will never allow you to win. 

Kudos to my kid for concentrating her firepower.  I got too aggressive with my tanks and pushed them too far forward.  I should have kept them at range and forced the Martians to come to me.  I might have been able to divide them and pick them off piece meal.  However, she stayed disciplined and let her firepower take its toll. 

The Minnesota River Valley Campaign continues!

Monday, May 22, 2017

Aeronautica Imperialis: Battle report- Flight of the Vigilant

This battle took place as part of the Blood and Irongard campaign in 2013.  It uses custom aircraft and rules from the campaign that can be found in my Aeronautica Imperialis review here.


Da grot spottaz had been chattering to da runtherdz about the new bird they saw all morning. They had seen it off and on for a good part of the day. They weren't sur ewhat it was, but it was big and it was oomie.

Finally, Boss Ironhead had had enough of their chatter. He snatch up the mike and rorared at them to shut their gobz about it. In an angry mood, he stalked off to his boyz hutz and rousted a pair of boyz out of their bunkz. Excitedly, the Boss' new wingorks capered over to their fightaz.

Da Boss had decided he was going to get a good look at this new oomie bird himself. 

The Eye in the Sky
Warzone: The Gardens

House Hurt-Zui Wardogs
Marauder Vigilante- Flight Officer Greta Hazt

1 Lightning- Flight Officer Korin Draze
+Additional Weapon Load

1 Lightning- Flight Officer Chaz Yalo
+Additional Weapon Load

Da Skrapperz
Fighta- Boss Ironhead- Ace
+Additional Weapon Load
+Rokit Boosta

Fighta- Dakkablitz

Fighta- Rotgob

The Wardogs set-up with the Vigilante in the center of the board flying at max speed at altitude 5. He was bracketed by a pair of lightning fighters to act as escorts. 

Boss Ironhead and his boyz came in on the opposite side in eschelon. Ironhead was in the center. 

For this mission, the Vigilante had to make it to the opposite side of the board. If it did, the Imperials won. If it didn't, the Orks won. 

I forgot to take pictures. Sorry. 

Turn 1:
Initiative: Rogue Traders

The Wardogs move forward, with Lightning 1 leading the way. 

The Orks spread-out to cover the board. Big Boss Iron Head takes the center. 


Turn 2
Initiative: Orks

The Wardogs begin to feint and bank to the right, with L1 leading the way. L2 slows down and moves back to cover the sensor bird while it sideslips after L1. 

Fighta 1 boldly heads down the center line, while Fighta 2 straightens out. I tlooks like he is way out of position. Iron Head cuts sharply towards where the Wardogs are heading in an attempt to cut them off. 

No one has the range or angle yet. 

Turn 3
Initiative: Orks (Used the Vigilante ability to re-roll so Orks would go first)

The two sides move to cross paths, but it ends up that no head-to-head engagements are on the cards. The Imperials feinted right, and now power dive left. For the Orks part, most of them over shoot from moving far to fast, and end way out of position. 

Fighta 2 is the only one in the area, but a clever spiral from Lightning 1 puts the Ork in the cross-hairs. Meanwhile, Lightning 2 just missing getting the angle as weel.. 

Oh no, the Orks have nothing to shoot at! 

Lightning 1 lights up his target, but he jinking craft mostly avoids the incoming shells with a few simply grazing the paint. 

The Rear turret on the Vigilante also fail to find the mark. 

Turn 4
Initiative: Orks

The Vigilant and her escorts maneuver towards the short board edge. They manage to stay together nicely. 

Meanwhile, Boss Iron head moves to try and cut them off before they can escape. Fighta 2 parallels the Wardogs, and Fighta 1 trails far behind and completely out of position. 

No one has the angle, altitude, or range. 

Turn 5
Initiative: Orks

The Imperials continue forward, side sweeping and moving to cover each other. Fighta 1 and Fighta 2 continue to be out of position. However, Boss Iron Head swoops down towards the Vigilante, but just overshoots the mark. This puts him in a very vulnerable position. 

The Orks still have nothing to shoot at! Oh no! 

Lightning 1 doesn't have a shot, but Lightning 2 does. However, they are just a bit too close and are in short range. The aircraft's auto-cannons chatter to life. The shells strike home, and Ironheadz Fighta begins to smoke! 

The rear turrets on the Vigilant open fire, but they miss due to the altitude difference. 

Turn 6
Initiative: Orks

\Boss Ironhead dives to the hard deck and races away. Realizing he won't be able to bring the big Oomie bird down himself, he hits his Rokit Boosta and disengages to report his findings to Mektoof. Otherwise, the Orks again fail to get into the right position, just going too fast to make the turn, or trailing to far behind. 

The Vigilant makes it to the board edge. There will be no way to stop him exiting next turn.

A parting shot from the Vigilant's rear turret adds insult to injury by damaging Fighta 1. 

The game ends

The Wardogs win! They have successfully escorted the Vigilant off the board. Now, with its intelligence gathered they maybe able to locate the Ork base and launch an attack! 

My opponent had a tough time maneuvering his Orks properly this game. I think he forgot that Orks only have thrust 1 after using the Dark Eldar with thrust 3! He came in way too fast, and couldn't slow down enough to get the angle right. Too bad.