Friday, January 5, 2024

True Crit Gaming Guild Events: January- Northwest Wyoming

Greetings readers,

Here are a couple events that folks in Northwest Wyoming may want to check-out.  These are games related activities.  

A design discussion and play-through for a local game maker! 

 The True Crit Gaming Guild's  Project Social.  Bring what you want to work on from painting, modelling, terrain, assembly, whatever you want to work-on that is gaming related! 

Finally, the True Crit Gaming Guild is also building-up to play a Kill Team narrative campaign.  You can find a link to the booklet here:

Hopefully you can join us? 

Become a Patron and get access to all the cool stuff, a peak behind the curtain of Blood and Spectacles, and early-access to playtest games!  

You can follow Blood and Spectacles Facebook page or Instagram for more fun! 

Check out the latest publications and contact me at our Blood and Spectacles website

Or purchase all out games at the Blood and Spectacles Publishing Wargames Vault Page!    

1 comment:

  1. Parece un evento fantástico. Ojalá en España se organizasen más eventos como este.
