Monday, January 29, 2024

On The Painting Desk- 5 Day Challenge- Sisters of Battle


Greetings readers, 

Normally, I post one blog entry a week, and call it a day.  I thought I would do something a bit different this week.  Those of you who are part of the True Grit Gaming Guild know that we are launching our Kill Team Narrative campaign on Saturday, February 3rd.  

This campaign features an Imperial vs. Chaos theme in a besieged city on the Eastern Fringe.  To prepare for this campaign, I got a cool new Cigar Box Battle Matt, made some DIY terrain to fit the theme, and ordered a nice new Corrupted Guard from Only. Games/Stationforge.  

You can find the Campaign document on the True Crit Gaming Guild Facebook page. 

DIY Terrain and Cigar Box Battles Mat

It soon became clear, that my Chaos Guard were not going to get here for the start of the campaign.  Technically, I still had several Eldar Kill Teams, and they can act as mercenaries in the campaign.  However, I wanted something that fit the theme of the campaign a bit better.  Therefore, I went to the FLGS to see what they had.  

One of the main drivers of the conflict that led to the Siege Perilous was religious friction between the elites and their officially sanctioned Theology of St. Augustine, and the general populations worship of the Cult of the Emperor's Hands.  Therefore, when I saw a box of Battle Sisters I figured I could make a nice Compendium Kill Team list that tied nicely into the campaign background.  I picked it up and went home.  

The Order of Saint Augustine Martyred

I took a look at the Compendium rules.  From there I tried to figure out my Kill Team.  If I am reading it right I can choose two Fire Teams of Battle Sisters as my team.  Perfect, as each team is 5 models.  This box looks like it will fit.  

From there, I looks like I can have the following specialists: 

  • 1 Gunner (Special Weapons) per 5 - Melta, Storm Bolter, Flamer
  • 1 Heavy Gunner if I have 10 Sisters - Heavy Bolter, Heavy Flamer
  • 1 Sister Superior to lead - Combi-weapon, or Power weapon/Plasma 
  • 1 Icon Bearer
Therefore, I had to take a look at the box and see what I could make...

If I am reading it right, it looks like I can make what I need!  I think my Kill Team will look like: 
  • 1 Sister Superior with Power Weapon and Plasma Pistol
  • 1 Heavy Gunner with Heavy Bolter
  • 1 Gunner with Melta Gun
  • 1 Gunner with Storm Bolter
  • 1 Icon Bearer
  • 5 Battle Sisters
With it all planned out, now came the hard part.  I gave myself 1-week/5 days to build, prime, paint and  detail this force.  Not a lot of time, especially since I was not sure of the color scheme even! 

Now, here is what I am going to do differently for the blog week.  I plan to "Live Blog" my progress as I try to get this Kill Team ready before Saturday.  I still have all of my normal weekly activities to complete this week like work, chores, social commitments, etc.  This is a big lift, and I don't know if I can do it. 

I will post everyday with my progress from the previous day, all the way until the big day.  Watch this space!  Let's see how far I get.  

Wish me luck, and place your bets now!  

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Or purchase all out games at the Blood and Spectacles Publishing Wargames Vault Page!  


  1. I wish you luck!

    I love the look of the Sisters and ordered some for myself. The composition rules are a bit ambiguous. I believe you are correct that you can include one gunner per fire team of 5, and 1 heavy gunner if you both fire teams are Sisters of Battle.

    The only part that is unclear is if the heavy gunner replaced one of your normal gunners... But I think you have it right.

    1. Thanks for the luck and thoughts.

      Since it is a Compendium list, I figured it needed all the help it can get!
