Monday, January 29, 2024

On The Painting Desk - 5-Day Challenge - Day 1

 Welcome to day 1 of the 5-day Painting Challenge.  I have given myself five days to paint a box of Sisters of Battle.  This box will form the basis of a Kill Team for the upcoming True Crit Gaming Guilds' narrative campaign.  They will be using the Compendium rules.  

This is day 1!  So, let's take a look at how far I got today.  

The first step was to assemble my Sisters into the list I had planned out.  I assembled my trusty clippers, blades, and Gorilla Glue and got to work.  I knew I needed a Sister Superior, an Icon Bearer, a Melta-gun, a Storm Bolter, and a Heavy Bolter.  I toyed with the idea of going with two Melta-guns but ditched it in favor of the Storm Bolter, partially because it looked cool, and partially because of the Melta-guns limited range.  

I also had to decide how I wanted to do the heads.  Traditionally, I don't like soldiers on the battlefield without helmets.  It made no sense to me.  The Sisters of Battle also have some pretty cool helmets too.  However, I decided to go helmetless for all of them this time for two reasons.  First, I wanted folks to easily be able to tell these were Sisters of Battle and their helmetless heads are pretty iconic.  Secondly, I wanted to use a variety of skin tones on their faces to make them look really diverse.  Not 100% sure how that will work out.

Sisters Assemble! 

Overall, a pretty cool kit with lots of smooth lines and curves.  They went together pretty well with only two minor gripes.  Some of the joins are really thick, and once you clip them are in a position that are not easy to trim.  Too many joins on the shoulder iconography.  The second gripe is that several of the models of single points of contact on the base making them tough to position in place. 

I managed to time the construction so that the models would be assembled and ready for a coat of spray primer at the warmest part of the day, with full sun.  I had brought my spray can in from outside to warm up over night.  I had planned ahead, as spray priming in the middle of winter is not always easy.  However, due to my time constraints I did not want to brush undercoat. It was a balmy 50 degrees and even warmer in the sun.  I managed to give them a quick blast of Grey Seer and then hustled these little ladies back inside to dry at room temperature.         


As I waited for stuff to dry I filled my time painting up some terrain for my DIY terrain.  This was all 3D printed a while ago, but I never really got around to painting it.  Mostly used Big Box Acrylics to paint it them up and based the barrels with my usual methods.  

You did what now?  Inefficient! 

That gets me about where I wanted and expected to be by the end of the day.  Onto day two!  Hopefully I can continue the solid progress.  However, tomorrow is a pretty busy day for me so I might not be able to give it much time.

The plan is to finish priming by giving the Sisters a dark grey wash, and then going back and dry brushing them all white.  After that they are ready for some paint.    

Until tomorrow. 

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  1. I'm looking forward to seeing how you progress with this

    As a newbie to GW models, I've found I'm impressed by their sculpts and how even my ham-fisted painting comes out OK. Still, I've hesitated picking up Sisters of Battle, for fear I'll botch it! I am a bit surprised you are going helmet-less (although I agree, it's their helmet-less heads that are iconic - especially so if you go for the white hair) as I would think they'd be easier to paint quickly.

  2. Coming along nicely!

    Excited to see them painted up! I am also planning to paint my Vet Guard a variety of races, and the idea of painting different flesh tones does scare me a bit.

  3. Thanks for the support.

    I will be posting today's progress soon, and you will see I made an even stupider decision when it came to trying to do things fast!
