As you may recall, for Thanksgiving my family had a lot of fun playing Total Carnage! The Christmas Season appears to be no exception. As soon as I walked int he door, the youngsters were asking to play the "Car Game" again. I was obliging and we pulled out the cars and blocks and got set-up to play again.
We used some of the same car names as last time. Above you can see Barbie Basher scoot past the wreckage of Speedline and sneak up on Black Shadow.
This game was a Kill'em All scenario. The top three cars are Barbie Basher, Titan, and Money maker. The bottom three are Black Shadow, 9-1-1, and Speedline. We had a smaller table to play on so we only used three cars per player instead of five.
We also played a few Capture the Macguffin scenarios using the top hatted Little People as the objective. If you ran into him, you picked him up.
In this one, Black Shadow crashed into the red block, and a yellow pole fell from the top of it and landed on him. He was destoyed. That was pretty par for the course as we smashed into terrain and each other like crazy.
For Christmas, I gave them all a copy of the rules that I had printed out. They were pretty excited. Another happy Christmas memory as we sang a "Slaying Song Tonight"!
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Friday, December 22, 2017
Random: 2017 in Review
Another year bites the dust! It feels like only yesterday when I started
this blog and started adding content. Lo and behold it has been over a
year! This seems like a good time to
review the 2017 Goals and see how it all turned out.
Typically, I make these goal lists to help guide me
through what I want to accomplish in a year.
They are not hard and fast rules, but more of a guideline. Some years I do better at completing them
than others, but I shoot for a 50% completion rate. In
addition, I break them into categories to help me organize my thought sand
Buy all new Osprey Wargaming Series- 100% Succes
I am on track with this
goal! The last one released in 2017 was Gaslands. I even managed to review it. Next year, there are at least two new ones to
be published on their site, and I expect I will be picking those up too. I really enjoy the Wargaming Series as it is
a low cost way to be exposed to a lot of different rules, genres, periods, and
wargaming ideas. I like spending money
to support their efforts at diversity. I
also bought Mad Dogs with Guns and
some Frostgrave supplements this
year, but they are not technically part of this goal.
I grabbed the box set and the
Death Zone season 1 book. I have even
played a few games! For a long time,
this was the only game I managed to play and keep me in the hobby. However, I never had my own turf or
templates. I have now remedied that
situation. I am set to play for ages to
come. The scale change has made me
interested in getting some of the new teams, but it is low on my priority list
at the moment and I can still use some of my old teams.
Pick-up one of the following: Blucher, Chain of
Command, Martian Empires, or This is Not a Test- 0% complete
There was zero progress
here. I found a local distributor that
had Martian Empires for a decent price, but never got around to ordering
it. I think I decided to pick-up Blucher
next for my Non-Osprey rules purchase. The
fact that I can play with cards instead of minis appeals to me, plus I always
wanted a Napoleonic game to play and Blucher seems pretty cool. However, “Real Life” has gotten in the way of
making more purchases than I have so far.
I picked up a couple models when
I ordered Pulp Alley that I liked
the look of. So far, my gangs consist of
1 Femme Fatale and 1 Enforcer with Tommy Gun.
I looked at a boxed set at my FLGS, but was not impressed with the
sculpts. I also thought about picking up
some of the Blue Moon 15mm to save costs, but I am not sure if I can do 15-18mm
scale gangsters justice for a skirmish game.
I managed to buy a lot of
Victrix Limited Greeks. I should have
enough for a Spartan, Corinthian, and Macedonian army with some left
overs. I am super excited for these guys
and sent them to my painter right away. I
didn’t even open the package for them. I
need them for some photos for when Osprey publishes Men of Bronze. But I am also excited to play the game with actual
miniatures and not just paper templates.
Painting and Modeling:
1. Paint
my Inquisitor 28mm Warband- 0% Complete
There has been no progress on
this despite the fact that I wanted to use these guys to play some Pulp Alley or even a modified Strange Aeons this year. Instead, they have sat on my shelf looking
forlorn at me. I didn’t even base coat
Complete my All Quiet on the Martian Front Mobile Artillery and Mark IV tank-
20% Complete
Some progress. I did manage to put the mobile artillery
together and put them on the painting desk.
I was looking forward to having these guys join my armored column for
the Minnesota Militia forces, but I just haven’t been able to build up the
stamina to base and paint them.
3. Assemble
the Destroids for Robotech RPG Tactics-0%
I really can’t bring myself to
put more work into this game than Palladium can. I wanted to use the Destroids in Jugs or Rampant Stars but I have had little time to paint and would rather
put that time towards games I might actually play.
I managed to get this done, and
the last of my Varingyr aircraft. I haven’t
played all year, but Aeronautica
Imperialis is one of those games I keep going back to. Sure Forgeworld and Games Workshop have long
ago abandoned it, but I haven’t.
Thankfully, I do not think unsupported games are dead games. Plus, there are
many “Not Epic” manufacturers making compatible aircraft for it now.
It is hard to paint them if I
never bought them! However, I did get my
version of the Pulp Alley Red Queen
painted up. It is a simple but effective
model. I also created a couple of gang
rosters to build/paint to. That is some
slow progress.
Rules Writing:
I went into the year needing to
write some scenarios. I was facing
severe creative block on the subject.
So, I did what you do when you have a creative block and stopped
avoiding it and just started writing stuff.
It did the trick and soon I had the scenarios I needed done. The rules are ready to go.
Well, technically they are not
going to go up on the Wargames Vault. Instead, they will be published by Osprey in
late 2019. I think that is an
upgrade! That is a different route all
together. The only thing they need to be
published now is 30 digital images of Greek Hoplite miniatures, choosing some
artwork, and final edits. Then, it is
off to the Wargames Series for them!
8. Edit
and Clean-up the Rules for The Games:Blood and Spectacle for the Wargame’s Vault- 100% Complete
This is complete and the rules
are up for purchase. As of this writing,
they have been available since April. I
have been pleasantly surprised by the reaction and interest in the game. Naturally, I am a fan and looking forward to
playing it more. I want to make a few
play aids for it and add them to the rulebooks.
In addition to the exhibition
game I posted about, I have played a few other times with my gaming buddies and
Another one completed. I managed to continue the Minnesota River Valley Campaign.
3. One
of my Osprey Games- 100% Complete
I have played Horizon Wars and Poseidon’s Warriors x2.
4. One
other TBD System- 100% Complete
I have managed to play all
sorts of games this year. 2017 was a
good year for actually playing games!
Way better than the last few years.
I hope I can keep up that pace for 2018!
Aquanautica Imperialis |
![]() |
Necromunda |
Castles in the Sky |
Total CARnage |
Men of Bronze |
![]() |
Force-on-Force |
![]() |
Rampant Stars |
![]() |
American Civil Paw |
Rampant Stars |
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The Games: Blood and Spectacle |
Rampant Stars |
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Horizon Wars |
5. Keep
on Blogging- 100% Complete
I managed to keep up a steady
pace despite some setbacks. The Great
Photobucket Debacle gave me pause, but I pressed on. Not everything has been restored, but enough
has been updated to keep me going.
However, in 2018, I think the content will slow down as I do not have 3
years of backlogged games to re-post about.
I have set one up for Blood and
Spectacles Publishing, but no one uses it.
I suppose for 2018 I will need to get on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,
etc. An old man like me can not keep up
with all of this Social Media.
Overall, 2017 was a pretty good
wargaming year! I completed 14 out of 19
goals, and made progress at least on 3 others.
Plus, there were a few projects I completed that were not on my goal
lists. I have had much worse years. Plus, my list of actually played games is
relatively impressive this year. Once
again, it was Painting and Modelling that held me back. Hopefully I can keep up the moment in 2018 as
I continue to push myself to accomplish hobby goals despite Real Life
challenges getting in my way.
Over the next couple days I will start drafting my Resolutions for next year. Stay tuned.
Monday, December 11, 2017
Men of Bronze: Battle Report- Marathon
Regarding the Battle of Marathon from Herodotus The Histories in Book 6:
When the presidency came round to
him, he arrayed the Athenians for battle, with the polemarch Callimachus
commanding the right wing, since it was then the Athenian custom for the
polemarch to hold the right wing. He led, and the other tribes were numbered
out in succession next to each other.46 The Plataeans were marshalled last, holding the left wing. [2] Ever since that battle, when the Athenians are
conducting sacrifices at the festivals every fourth year,47 the
Athenian herald prays for good things for the Athenians and Plataeans together.
[3] As the Athenians were marshalled at Marathon, it
happened that their line of battle was as long as the line of the Medes. The
center, where the line was weakest, was only a few ranks deep, but each wing
was strong in numbers. 112.
When they had been set in order
and the sacrifices were favorable, the Athenians were sent forth and charged
the foreigners at a run. The space between the armies was no less than eight
stadia. [2] The Persians saw them running to attack
and prepared to receive them, thinking the Athenians absolutely crazy, since
they saw how few of them there were and that they ran up so fast without either
cavalry or archers. [3] So the foreigners imagined,
but when the Athenians all together fell upon the foreigners they fought in a
way worthy of record. These are the first Hellenes whom we know of to use
running against the enemy. They are also the first to endure looking at Median
dress and men wearing it, for up until then just hearing the name of the Medes
caused the Hellenes to panic. 113.
They fought a long time at
Marathon. In the center of the line the foreigners prevailed, where the
Persians and Sacae were arrayed. The foreigners prevailed there and broke
through in pursuit inland, but on each wing the Athenians and Plataeans
prevailed. [2] In victory they let the routed
foreigners flee, and brought the wings together to fight those who had broken
through the center. The Athenians prevailed, then followed the fleeing Persians
and struck them down. When they reached the sea they demanded fire and laid
hold of the Persian ships. 114.
In this labor Callimachus the
polemarch was slain, a brave man, and of the generals Stesilaus son of Thrasylaus
died. Cynegirus48 son of Euphorion fell there, his hand cut off with an ax as
he grabbed a ship's figurehead. Many other famous Athenians also fell there. 115.
In this way the Athenians
overpowered seven ships. The foreigners pushed off with the rest, picked up the
Eretrian slaves from the island where they had left them, and sailed
around Sunium hoping to reach the city before the Athenians. There was
an accusation at Athens that they devised this by a plan of the Alcmaeonidae,
who were said to have arranged to hold up a shield as a signal once the
Persians were in their ships. 116.
They sailed around Sunium,
but the Athenians marched back to defend the city as fast as their feet could
carry them and got there ahead of the foreigners. Coming from the sacred
precinct of Heracles in Marathon, they pitched camp in the sacred precinct of
Heracles in Cynosarges. The foreigners lay at anchor off Phalerum,
the Athenian naval port at that time. After riding anchor there, they sailed
their ships back to Asia. 117.
In Men of Bronze there
will be a section on historical battles.
Of course, the Battle of Marathon must be present. One of the challenges of creating a wargame
is that you want to set-up the battle as it initially happened, but still allow
the players to play their own game.
Therefore, the following scenario is an attempt to capture the key
participants and objectives of the battle, but allow the players to dictate the
deployment and strategy for the game.
The Persians were attempting to break-out of the plains
near the beach and head inland into Attica.
The Athenians were trying to halt this break-out and repel them. To represent this, the Athenian side of the
battlefield will have two passes that lead inland. The Greek force will be able to deploy
anywhere in front of those passes. The
Persians on the other hand have their back to the sea and can deploy anywhere
on that side of the table.
The Forces
Again, it is challenging to completely recreate the
deployment of the forces and still give the players the ability to change it
up. To be fair, we also know very little
about the Persian force except that it had archers and lacked cavalry. We also know that the Persians outnumbered
the Greeks to such an extent that they had to stretch their Phalanx width by
reducing the depth, which cost them the fight in the center.
1 Drilled Athenian Hoplites
1 Militia Athenian Hoplites
1 Militia Plataean Hoplites
3 Archer Units
1 Drilled Infantry Unit
1 Warband Unit
This is equal points in the system and should prove an
interesting game.
Unlike the actual battle, the Greeks decide to place
their Drilled Hoplites in the center in Phalanx. In front of both passes is a Greek Militia
Phalanx in formation and ready to fight.
It is critical that the Persian units do not get behind them and out of
the either of the passes behind the Greek line.
The Persian deployment is to have the Archers on their
left screen the Warband infantry behind them.
Then the center is the Drilled infantry, which is flanked on the right
by another Archer unit. Their forces are
unequal to the Phalanxes in close combat, but they outmatch them in ranged
firepower. In addition, the Persians
will also have the advantage in Arête Points.
Will we see a repeat of history with the Greeks
victorious, or will the Persians manage to force their way ashore? Let’s
find out!
Turn 1:
The Persians bid 2 Arête Points to start the battle, and
the Greeks decide to spend none. The
Persians move out first. The Greeks are
content to watch them as they move forward, with the Persian left taking the
lead. The Greeks are not eager to get
into Persian arrow range, so hold their position.
Turn 2:
Persians again Bid 2 Arête Points to go first, while the
Greeks bid none. The Persian archers can
not move and shoot, so they decide to continue to advance. The Persian Drilled Infantry moves so it is
forward of the archers to its left and right, but not blocking Line of Sight
for them. On the left, the Warband
infantry lurks behind the left most archer unit.
The Greeks again watched the Persians maneuver and were
content to hold back. Now, they are in a
bit of a dilemma. The Persian archers
will have them in range, but probably the less effective long range. If they move now, they will close the gap and
be able to engage sooner but potentially leave the passes unprotected from the
numerically superior Persian force.
The Drilled Hoplites could use an Arête Point to slide
towards one side or the other, but that would force one of the Militia Hoplite
units to hold its own against many more Persians. The Greeks are on the horns of a Dilemma, and
decide to do nothing and let the Persian plan unfold.
Turn 3:
This time the Persians see a pattern, and decide to only
bid 1 Arête point, expecting the Greeks to bid 0. They bid 0 and the Persians get to move
The left most archer unit forms itself in what it hopes to
be just beyond charge range against the militia Athenians. The Warband Infantry moves to cover their
left flank. In the center, the Drilled
Persian Infantry move forward to challenge the Athenian Hoplites. The Persians wait a moment before going to their
next unit to see if the Athenians will try to interrupt and charge the isolated
Persian Infantry. However, the Athenian
general judges the distance to be too great and holds.
The two Persian archers units left open fire on the
Militia Hoplites opposite them. The
Athenians throw up their shields and weather the storm. The Plataeans are less successful, and the
first death screams fill the tense air of the battlefield.
The Greeks can now either stand and wait to get hit
again, or begin to move forward. The
Plataeans decide to move forward towards the Persians, and the Drilled
Athenians do likewise. They still judge
the distance too great to charge. The
Militia Athenians hold position, not liking the numbers on their side.
Turn 4:
This could be a big turn.
The Greeks decide to bid 2 Arête Points to try and charge first. However, the benefits of outnumbering your
opponent shows as the Persians bid 3.
That leaves the Greeks with only 1 left!
Now, it is the Persians time to make a tough decision. Their open order formation will allow their
Drilled Infantry to rush the Militia or Drill Hoplites. They could also choose to rain more arrows,
but that would allow a potential Greek interrupt. However, the Greeks would then have no Arête
Points to launch a true charge. Now the
Persians need to make a tough decision.
The archers on the Persian right decide to fire a barrage
of arrows at the Plataeans, but fail to cause any injuries this time. Feeling like they can fire with impunity and
not get a reaction, the other Persian archers open fire at the Athenian Militia
Phalanx but fail to scratch them.
The Drilled Persian Infantry decide to charge the Plataeans,
and they use the last Greek Arête point to counter-charge. The Persians get to count it as a flank
attack. The two meet with a loud crash.
The Persian infantry lose 1 Courage in the combat, but pass their Courage
test. The Plataeans push the Persians
back 1 Base width.
The Persian left has the Warband Infantry move
forward. In response to the Persian
activity, the Drilled Athenians break into open formation and drop back to
protect the pass off the plains.
Turn 5:
With Arête Points reset, it is time to bid for
initiative. This time the Persians bid
1, and the Greeks 0.
The Persian Archers on the right rush forward to support
their infantry against the Plataeans.
The rest of the Persian force moves forward, with the Left flank trying
to extend the line beyond the edges of the Greek troops there. The Persian archers do not fire their arrows,
and march instead. The Greeks watch it
all patiently.
The Plataeans and the Persian Drilled Infantry both lose
a point of Courage in the melee.
However, this time the Drilled Infantry of the Persians fail their
Discipline check and start waivering, along with the supporting Archers. I thought the Drilled Infantry would put up a
bit more of a fight, but they haven’t broken yet!
Turn 6:
The Arête Points get reset yet again, and the Greeks
still have 3 to Persians 5. The Persians
bid 2 to go first, and the Greeks also bid 2.
The Persians choose to up their bid by 1 so they will go first.
After winning initiative, the Persian Archers on their
left across from the Athenian Militia Phalanx declare a charge with an Arête
point. The Athenians elect to
counter-charge and meet them half way to try to finish them early. This uses the last Greek Arête Point. This locks the Greek flank unit up in combat,
and the Persian Warband infantry move to skirt around the battle.
The final unengaged Persian Archer unit charges into the
Drilled Hoplites who can not counter-charge as they do not have any Arête
Points remaining. This will be the
decisive turn.
Unsurprisingly, the Athenian Militia Phalanx easily beats
the Persian archers, and reduces them to 1 Courage. However, they pass their Discipline check and
stay in the battle, tying up the Greeks.
In the Center, the Drilled Athenians utterly crush the Persian archers
and send them fleeing!
On the Persian right, the Plataeans are reduced to a
single Courage point, while the Persian Infantry and archers they face are
routed. They turn to flee with a Courage
of 0. The two remaining Persian units
make their Collapse and Morale tests.
Turn 7:
Things look bad for the Persians. They only have 2 units left, and 1 has a
single courage point. However, they also
have a unit in position to get to the board edge. The Arete Points are distributed 2 for Persia
and 3 for the Greeks.
Persians bid 2, while the Greeks bid 1. The Persian Warband Infantry make a break for
it, but will need 1 more turn to get off the board edge.
Both unengaged Greek units break into open order and turn
to the Persian enemies. Seeing the
Warband infantry making for the pass, the Drilled Hoplites do not bother to
reform and instead declare a charge using 1 Arête Point. They charge forward, but fail to come into
contact with the sneaky Persian warband!
The Athenian Militia chases off the last Persian Archery
unit easily. The Plataeans move towards
the middle of the plain to help support where needed. They stay in open order.
Turn 8:
The Greeks get 3 Arête points to the Persian 1. The Greeks bid 2 to ensure they can go
first. The Persians decide to save
their’s for a re-roll.
The Drilled Athenians use the last Greek Arete Point to
charge into the Persian Warband Infantry.
The other Greeks stay in loose formations and move towards the
melee. The Athenian Hoplites manage to
reduce the Wraband infantry 3 Courage, and the Athenians lose 1.
Turn 9- Final Turn
The Persians collect their 1 Arête Point, and the Greeks
3. No one bothers to bid for initiative,
and the roll off goes to the Persians.
However, since they are locked in combat it is sort of a moot
The Athenians and Persians continue their struggle. The Persian Warband infantry reduces the
Athenians another Courage point, but are routed in return.
Athens is saved!
Final Thoughts
This version of the battle did not go down exactly like
Herodotus describes it, but the outcome was the same regardless. In this version, the Greeks may not “thin”
their center to make a weaker unit there.
Instead, the big decision the Greeks have to decide is how far are they
willing to move away from the passes and where the Drilled Hoplites are going
to deploy.
When I designed the “historical” scenarios I wanted to allow
the player to still have decisions to make, and not be a slave to the
historical deployment. However, I want
the tactical problems to be similar. In
this case, the Persians greatly outnumber the Greeks and that almost allowed me
to win with the Persians by turning theGreek flank. Ultimately, I wasn’t quite fast enough.
The Persian Drilled Infantry was disappointing against
the Plataeans. The effectiveness of the
Persian archers to soften up the Hoplites in Phalanxes was almost nil. If the center archer unit could have been
supported and held up the Drilled Athenians only one turned, this could easily
have been a Persian victory. Oh
I have also received my shipment of Victrix Greek Hoplites. They are off to my
painter to get cracking on them. Maybe I
can have some painted battles coming up, but until then these paper templates
will have to do. I have added the
Persians to the Templates on the Messageboard,
so you can have them of a quick run through of Marathon on your own.
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Review: Gaslands- Osprey Games
The Car Combat genre of wargames is an interesting breed. It has a long pedigree, going all the way
back to the 80s. It is unclear where the
origins of the car combat genre first appeared, however I imagine the Mad Max
series of movies played a large part in their origins. The first Car Combat games I can recall are
Steve Jackson’s Car Wars and Games
Workshop’s Dark Future. I personally never really got into either game
as they were not my cup of Tea at the time.
The majority of my exposure to Car Combat games was
actually through video games. Here the
genre has a rich history! Of course, you
could argue that the grand-daddy of the Car Combat game is the Twisted Metal franchise. In the Twisted
Metal world, the game was sent in a post-apocalyptic world ruled by a
god-like being who hosted the Twisted
Metal tournament. The prize was the
winners wish to come true.
In a way, Gaslands
plays off the ideas of Twisted Metal
and meshes it with the movie The Running
Man. The game represents teams
competing on a season of a TV show called Gaslands
where the winning team earns a trip of the post-apocalyptic ghetto of Earth to
the paradise of Mars. They only need to
beat all the rivals to win.
I have a personal history with Car Combat wargames as
well. I was an avid player of the Twisted Metal games. When I was 13 or 15 one of my first tries at
writing a wargame was attempting to make a Car Combat game. I called it Burning Rubber and it involved making a team of racers. They actually raced around a track that had
pre-set squares. The track had obstacles
like ramps, oil slicks, cows, mines, potholes etc. You bought drivers and cars and equipped them
with weaponry to fight each other with.
For a first timer, it had a lot of the hall marks of some of my later
designs such as campaign play with driver experience, injury, vehicle permanent
damage, and resource management of the team.
Looking back, it wasn’t a bad first attempt. There were even different types of car races,
with the ultimate goal to be the first team to get a car across the finish
line. I wish I still had the rules, but
they were lost to time long ago.
When my kid was younger, I also made up a quick race game
that involved math Flash Cards. The
track was composed of facedown flash cards.
To move your car, the player had to answer the flash card. Cars could only go a certain number of flash
cards in a row. This was a fun game to
help teach my kid math instead of boring flash cards.
Since then, I have continued to work on Car Combat
games. My current title is Total CARnage. Here the focus is on making a simple, fun,
family game based on dexterity mechanics that was heavily inspired by playing Flick’em Up! In addition, I have been working on the campaign
and expanded rules for Redline which
is a more traditional wargame using templates, rules, dice, etc. for mechanic resolution. This game has mostly been inspired by airplane
games more than other Car Combat games.
So, I was eager to dig into Gaslands. Let’s get in under the hood….
Things I Liked
Right off the bat, I loved that this game was designed
for using Matchbox cars, Hot Wheels, and other similar sized brands. That element spoke to the affordable gamer in
me. I don’t have many of those sitting
around anymore, but they are cheap enough and now have some wacky designs.
This game uses a clever Initiative/movement mechanic called “gears”.
A turn is divided into 6 Gears.
Depending what Gear your vehicle is in determines how many times it can
move and influences what maneuver templates it can use with or without
penalties. Vehicles in a higher gear are
activating more often and therefore “moving” faster than lower gear
vehicles. As you go up in gears, some
movement templates become easier or harder to do. This acts as a form of stress that can cause
cars making the wrong maneuver to wipeout.
Higher gears also make it harder to control if you wipeout.
The movement templates mean that a player never uses a
tape measure, worry about turning radius by degrees, etc. It is a relatively smooth and intuitive
system. Templates are also used for
ranged shooting attacks.
Rams and shooting attacks are opposed rolls. They are very simple based on the number of
attack dice of the weapon, with a success being 4+. Easy to remember. Vehicles being attacked can evade and nullify
a hit with a 6+. I prefer when a game
allows you to nullify a hit and not just sit there while getting shot up. Simple and intuitive mechanics for combat
Finally, I like that many of the scenarios are actual
races where you need to get through “Goals” the fastest. That means you need a balanced force of speed
and muscle to get you through the scenarios successfully.
Things I Did Not
For some inexplicable reason, this game uses custom
dice! Granted, they explain it as 1=
this, and 2= that but it encourages you to make your own custom dice for the “gear
shift” mechanic. The “Gear Shift”
mechanic seems to take a page right out of X-wing and similar games. Each vehicle has a handling rating, and you
roll the gear shift “custom” dice. Some
results can be used to cancel results, and others put stress on the car/driver
by causing a slide, spin, or picking up a hazard token. Too many hazard tokens and your car will wipeout. Gear Shift dice allow you to change your gear
up or down, remove hazard tokens, or nullify slide/spin results. Ultimately, cars with high handling lead to a
lot of fiddliness to determine their “gear Shift” dice.
I was disappointed with the campaign system. It allows you to create teams based on
sponsors and get some sponsor perks but ultimately drivers and cars do not have
much of a path for advancement or debuffing.
They use Audience Points to allow some customization, but the campaign
season is just not as meaty as I would like.
I mostly blame space limitations for it.
However, there is a lot of good details in the sponsor and sponsor Perks
section to allow you to make distinct race teams.
![]() |
From Gaslands.Com the game's website |
Meh and Other
The game uses a dashboard off to the side for each
vehicle. That is where you keep track of
hazard tokens, gear, damage, etc. I am
glad that the game specifically calls out that these go on the side board of
this game would seem very token heavy on the game board. Thankfully, this is not the case.
The game allows for a wide array of vehicles culled from
all sorts of sources from motorbikes, to monster trucks, to helicopters and
tanks. I am pretty sure I could build
all of the cars from Twisted Metal
franchise for use in Gaslands if I wanted
The back of the book has all the templates and dashboards
you need to play ready to photocopy. I
am pretty sure they are also on the website for Osprey too. However, you will need to make your own. It also has a quick reference section as
I enjoyed the full color art in the book, even if it was a bit stylized for my usual tastes. There were also many shots of cars driving aroudn and fighting. Some of the Browner colored cars were uninspiring, but some of the Performance Cars looked very cool. Plus, they used a couple of interesting angles to add to the drama and "TV Show" look.
![]() |
From the Osprey Publishing website |
Final Thoughts
I could see this game being sold by Fantasy Flight
Games. It has all the potential
elements. It basically uses the flight
path model with movement templates. It
has custom dice with symbols that cancel each other out and add tokens to the
car’s dashboard. I could easily see them
selling single car packs with driver and equipment upgrade cards too! It really feels like this was a game pitched
to them, but picked up by Osprey in some “Freaky Friday” style of mistake.
This game will ultimately work best as a club game where
each player has one or two cars they control.
The rules are relatively explicit about this when they go into the
scenarios and building a team. It should
lead to some good mayhem and seems easy enough to play. I agree that the “Gear Shift” mechanic will
be better for fewer cars on your team rather than more.
Ultimately, I am glad I got these rules. I think my family will prefer to play Total CARnage but I think my regular gaming buddies would prefer this game. It also gave me some ideas to explore for my own Car Combat games in the future.
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