Last time,
we talked about setting the groundwork and guidelines for your game
by developing the concept, creating design goals, and doing your
research. You probably recall that we are going to continue to
explore the concept of creating a Dinosaur Fighting game. You may also recall that as part of my process I like to develop a working
title and a cover as inspiration for myself. I decided to call this
project: Only the Strong Survive.
As a working title, this may change through out the project if
something else jumps out at me.
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From wikimedia commons |
you continue and begin to flesh-out the 4Ms, it is important review
and re-consider your design goals. Remember, these are the
guidelines for your project. If you forget those then your project
will go off the rails and be in danger of never being finished. To
me, that is the worst possible outcome!
design goals were:
- Gameplay that flows quickly and easily between players
- Lots of decision making for the player
- Clear differentiators between Dino types
- Scale and model agnostic
- Combat that flows freely, not locking you in
- Positioning is key
- Interesting battles between Dinosaurs 1-on-1 or in very small groups.
After reviewing
the design goals, it is time to start filling in the 4Ms for
your game. The 4Ms is short hand for Movement, Melee,
Missiles, and Morale. They are the basic building blocks of any
war game. The last step of the Concept phase of your war games project
was to go do your research both on historical information but also on
how other games work and play. This research will form the backbone
of the mechanics you are going to put into place with the 4Ms. When
this stage is done the skeleton of your game will be complete.
For a long time,
my ideas around movement had been static and unchanging. Only
recently have I begun to realize that movement can be cool. In
addition, or design goals stipulate that positioning should be
important in this game, and positioning is accomplished in the
Movement phase of a game.
If you look at my
other games, I tend to use 45 degree pivots, limited combat arcs, and
inches/base widths to determine movement distance. These were ways to
try a make Tactical Gameplay. You can see how these mechanics
worked in The Games: Blood and Spectacle. At a high level, a
gladiator game and a Dinosaur fighting game could have very similar
However, for this
game, I decided to go a completely different route. Since my game
was scale and model agnostic, people would be bringing all different
sizes of Dinos to the fight. Therefore, my usual tricks of
inches and base widths would not do. Most Dinosaur toys/models are
not based. After watching the tutorial video for TANKS! By
Gale Force 9, I was convinced to go a different route.
Instead, I decided
I would use a Movement template. Movement would be very simple. The
template would be placed straight forward touching the Dino's front
feet. The Dinosaur could then be placed anywhere along the template
facing any direction as long as the back feet were touching the
template. The template would be a simple 8 inch long template that
was about an inch wide. If necessary, I could also subdivide the
template so some Dinos would move different speeds such as slow,
normal and fast at 4”, 6” and 8”. This handled movement and
how a Dino could position itself.
A couple things to
note about this movement mechanic.
- Model and scale agnostic per the Design Goals
- Different Dino Types could have different movement
- The player can decide where the Dinosaurs final position, which is a decision point
- The player has to decide which way the Dinosaur will face, a decision point
- The facing of the Dino will dictate where it can move next so positioning is key
- Movement is a quick and easy mechanic to apply
After reviewing
the ideas of the mechanics with my design goals, I feel very
confident that my design is on track!
This will be the
heart of Only the Strong Survive. Indeed, for most
Pre-gunpowder games Melee is the most important mechanics to get
right. Therefore, these mechanics are critical to think through and
make sure they align with your design goals.
First thing, when
thinking about Dinosaurs one thing to keep in mind is that all their
“weaponry” is naturally part of the beast. They can not be
disarmed and all of their attacks are an extension of where their
bodies can actually reach. So, a T-Rex can only bite in front and a
Stegosaurus has to rely on his spiked tail's reach. Therefore, how
you position the Dinosaur will have to dictate where it can attack.
To simulate this
and support decision making and positioning I will need to use Combat
Arcs. A combat arc is simply where a model can effectively attack
due to limitations such as vision, flexibility, etc. For example, a
fixed mounted gun on a WWI bi-plane can only fire ahead of the plane,
while a cannon on a tank turret can be rotated to fire in any
direction. Again, these arcs force players to make decisions on how
they position their models and is a way to force tactical play.
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from wikimedia commons |
This will also
apply to Dinosaurs as we talked about above. In many games, you
establish combat arcs by slicing the models views into 2 or more
“arcs” or zones of combat. Typically, these are forward, left
flank, right flank, and rear. So, realistically we could use 4 arcs.
However, after thinking through Dinosaur anatomy 4 seems like too
many. Typically, a Dino could either fight to the front and his
sides thanks to bending his body, or to the rear and the sides thanks
to his tail. Therefore, it makes sense that the combat arcs for our
Dinos will be splitting them in half to either Front or Rear arcs of
180 degrees.
Now that we know
where our Dinos can attack, now we need to know how attacks will work
mechanically. Typically, for basic attack and defense mechanics I
prefer to use Stat lines as opposed to special rules. Stat lines
hold true for all models and work the same for all models, while
special rules can be unique to each model. However, my preference
for stat lines does not mean that I can't layer on special rules
In addition to
deciding how to represent melee mechanics as stats vs special rules;
it is also good to consider the different phases you would like for
your attacks. Typically, an attack needs to determine if an attack
was successful and how successful it was. Thinking about Dino combat
the core elements are did an attack strike the other Dino, and if it
did how does it effect the Dino being struck. There maybe other
elements to consider as well such as how does the struck Dinos armor
protect it? How often can a Dino get hit by an attack? What if
there is more than 1 Dino to attack in the combat arc? These are all
things you will want to answer for in your game mechanics.
So, how are we
going to do this? Thankfully, our research of game mechanics at the
concept stage and our design goals are ready to show the way! A set
of mechanics that I love is the dice pool system from the
Supersystem, Chaos in..., and Blasters and Bulkheads rules.
Basically models have a set of dice that can be used to both attack
and a pool they can use to resist attack. They might have Brawl 4
and Endurance 3 allowing them to roll 4 dice to fight with and 3 dice
to resist attack. These pools can then be used in opposed skill
tests looking for a set target number of 4+. Every 4+ is considered
a success. You then compare the number of successes to see who won
the combat.
This is a solid
core mechanic to use. It allows us to differentiate between Dinosaur
types very easily and without a ton of special rules. This is a good
start, but I feel like it could be better. We need more player
interaction and decision making in this process to avoid it feeling
like a simple dice rolling competition. One way to do this I learned
from Ronin, In Her Majesty's Name, and the Batman Miniature
Game. In these games you can
allocate your dice pools to different actions or abilities during the
game therefore forcing decision making by the player during the
actual combat. This turns dice pools into more than just a fancy
game of Yahtzee as you have to decide how you are going to use your
dice pools.
I envision Only The Strong Survive providing
each Dinosaur a number of instinct dice that they can allocate into
various stats such as attack, defend, move, special moves, etc.
Certain Dinosaur types may also have limits on how many dice they can
apply to various pools. So an Allosaurus might be able to apply more dice
to Attack, a Raptor more to movement, and a Triceratops more to
defense. In addition, a player could split these dice between
different Dinos if there was more than one they were attacking or
defending against. So the first T-Rex may try to chomp a Raptor with
half his dice, and then try to chomp the second with the other half.
we know fighting will be an opposed roll between Attack dice and
Defense dice. The player with the more successes wins the roll-off.
In addition, the player can allocate dice before/during the fight.
So, how does this meet our design goals:
- It is easy to differentiate between dino types using this system with dice pools and stat limits
- The player has to decide how to allocate and split dice
- Combat flows freely as both players need to participate by allocating dice and rolling opposed
- Positioning is important due to combat arcs
- The system can be used effectively in 1-on-1 fights as well as group battles
far, we are on the right track. We have determined how a Dinosaur
can hit another one in combat. However, we also need to determine
what happens when a hit occurs? We all ready have a skeleton in
place with our core mechanic of opposed dice rolls based on number of
successes. The player with the most successes wins, so the question
is what does having more successes allow you to do for damage, and
how does a Dino that has struck reduce damage? For example, many
dinosaurs have defensive plates, crests, or armor to help protect
them? How do we account for this?
is not an ability. It is a natural extension of the beast. Armor is
always there and always working. In many Games Workshop
games, after hitting you need to
roll a “To Wound” roll, and then the defender gets a “Saving
Throw” to ignore any hits that wound. So essentially you need to
hit twice as the attacker and the defender gets a final chance to
negate the hit. I like the defender being able to do something in
the combat, but we have that element in the Opposed roll. Plus, I
don't like having to hit twice. Finally, I all ready use opposed
dice rolling as a core mechanic. Therefore, I think we can discard
this approach.
what if we modified it? To hit, you need to roll more successes than
your opponent in defense. The difference is the number of hits. If
you look at Lion Rampant
you need to have more hits than the armor of a model before you cause
damage. So therefore, the armor can simply negate a certain number
of potential hits? It is simple and easy with no extra mechanics
except eliminating potential hits.
finish off the Melee section, we need to know how getting hit impacts
or injures a Dinosaur. For this, I look to games like Arena
Rex, Walking Dead: All Out War, and
Shadowrun. Each
Dinosuar will have a “Damage Track”. Each hit will fill in a box
on the Dinosaurs damage track. When so many boxes are filled in
different injury effects or special rules can be triggered. When
they are all filled, the Dinosaur is dead. This allows me to
differentiate between Dinosaurs and build in future Chrome if I want
with different effects and triggers and special rules linked to a
Dinos injury state.
let's review our new proposed Armor and Damage track abilities with
our design goals:
- It allows us to easily differentiate between Dinos
- It is scale and model agnostic
- Free flowing and easy
- Where a Dino is on the Damage Track will force decision making about what the Dino can actually accomplish
is one final element I want to call out. In most games Melee can do
one of two things. It will either “lock you in” or allow you to
“Move Freely”. If a game “locks you in” then once you enter
melee you can not leave until you or your opponent are dead. “Move
Freely” systems allow you to move in and out of combat as you wish.
Some Move Freely systems still force you to take some sort of
penalty for moving out of combat. For Only the Strong
Survive my design goals dictate
that I use a move freely system as I want Combat that flows freely
and does not lock you in.
Dinosaur combat does not involve a lot of missile weapons such as
arrows, thrown spears, machine guns, etc. That means I will not
build any unique mechanics for it in this case. However, missile
rules should generally follow pretty close to your melee rules. The
added element is determining who you can see and shoot at.
can think of some Dinosaurs who can spit acid or other blinding
attacks. Instead of creating more core mechanics around missile
attacks to handle 1 or 2 dinosaurs, I will leave that to special
rules for that Dinosaur in particular. I think it is called a
Dilophosaurus and is not uncommon to see as a toy thanks to Jurassic
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From wikimedia commons |
final of the 4Ms
and perhaps one of the most interesting. Many games do not give it
much attention. However, in most wargames it is the difference
between victory and defeat. Morale is basically what will make your
units act in a way counter to your wishes? The most common form is
when a unit or model runs away from the battle. However, it can also
take the form of Command and Control and simple
battlefield friction. This is the Psychological aspect of war and
Only the Strong
Survive will not have a strong
Morale component to it. For the most part Dinosaurs are fighting for
survival. Carnivores are fighting to eat, and Herbivores are
fighting to stay alive. Any morale will be simply base instincts for
being said, I feel like the Damage Track could have some interesting
effects built in as a Dinosaur gets injured. I could see some
Dinosaurs trying to break away off the board if they get to a certain
injury point such as a T-rex not fighting until they died and instead
breaking off and looking for easier prey. I could also see some
Dinosaurs stampeding forward or turning and fleeing such as
Duck-billed or crested herbivores. I could also see some of the
slower Dinos going into a rampaging frenzy when injured like an
Ankylosaurus. However, these effects could be unique to each
Dinosaur and built into their Damage Track.
you have it. The Skeleton rules for Only the Strong
Survive our Dinosaur Fighting
Game are complete. From here, you can start formatting them and
getting the basic information written down. It is possible at this
stage to do some rough play testing and see how it all hangs together.
However, after filling out the 4Ms
you still have a long way to go to have a complete game. As you can
see from out descriptions there is a lot of work to do on specifics
such as Dinosaur profiles, how the units interact in a turn sequence,
adding chrome to help theme the game, potential campaign systems, and
scenarios are all still needed for a complete game.
time, we will take a closer look at activation and turn sequence and
see how our basic 4Ms
will work and function together within the design Goals. I look
forward to this discussion as turn sequence and activation mechanics
are the most interesting aspects of a games design. A good place to
go to prepare to think about this is back to your research in the
Concept stage and see how others have done it. Until next time.....
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