Monday, August 19, 2024

On The Painting Desk: Against the Ogres - Heroquest


I managed to finish painting up my Core Heroquest boxed set from Hasbro/Avalon Hill.  That meant I could start playing AND purchase expansions for it.  I picked up Against the Ogres as my first expansion because that one seemed to add more special rules than some of the other expansions. I was particularly interested in the rules for ranges monsters and multi-square monsters.  The other stuff was just a bonus.  I have to say, that I was not disappointed by the new Ogres and minis in the boxed set.  The Ogre Leaders and Champions are HUGE!  

This set also came with some new furniture and some nice looking new tiles too.  Therefore, I got to work getting everything ready to paint up.  I pulled out all the new minis and furniture and gave them a nice base coat of Grey Seer prime, and then hit is with a dark wash of Grey and a drybrush of white.  As you all know by now, this priming method is great for speed paints.  As a fun bonus for this painting project, I also picked up the new Metallic Speed Paints from Armypainter.  This will add onto my existing range of Armypainter 1.0 speedpaints, regular Armypainter, and Armypainter washes that I have been using on this project.

Unlike the Core box set, I decided to start this project with the furniture first.  The Ogre expansion had 4 "stone" doors, a big throne, and a couple of cool slide open gates for the Arena section of the rules.  Pretty cool additions.  I got started on them first.... oh and the Druid wolf.  I needed that as a play piece for our ongoing D&D campaign.  

I used the Metallic on the door handle rings and the icon on the Throne.  Everything else is basic speed paints.  I am still figuring out and experimenting with what paint leads to what effect with those Metallic.    Astute viewers will also know that I also played around with some OSL effects on the torches.  Maybe it worked?  Maybe it didn't, but that is the farthest I have gotten with that type of technique.  Of course, after blocking in the main colors I went ahead and gave them a Light Tone wash and then sprayed them all with sealer for heavy usage.    

The next items on my agenda were the Druids.  You get a male and female version which is a nice touch.  They don't talk about the "lore" of Druids too much in the booklet but it seems clear to me that they are some sort of Fantasy Race as they are taller and skinnier than Dwarves but also shorter than the Elf.  However, they still have the pointed ears.  Interesting. Anyway..... 

For the Druids I focused on using "natural tones" like greens, and browns.  I wanted the red hair to really "pop" against the more organic color palette.  I purposely avoided using any metallic color on these guys.  I also wanted the painting to be somewhat similar, since they are alternate sculpts of the same "character".  

Next up, I moved onto the main reason I got this box..... the missile troops!  I started with the Skeleton archers.  I also used a Wiz-kids miniature I had sitting around to test out my new Metallic Speedpaints.  I then used a few on the Archers too.  You will also notice that I color coded the Skellies just in case you had to differentiate them, I do use these guys for RPG too    Overall, I was happy with the result. 

To help me prep for the Ogres and as a bit of a palette cleanser, I went to a True Crit Gaming Guild painting event.  There, I took a Reaper Storm Giantess model that I intended to use with my Greek Hoplites as the goddess Hera (or Aphrodite) for games using Osprey's Of Gods and Mortals game.  This model was surprisingly hard to track down for a while, as Reaper was going through there material change.  I got it some form of Bones that painted up just fine.  

I wanted her to look Greek, and I think I got it.  The skin tone and her Bronze Cuirass sort of blend together a bit more than I wanted, but I am not going back to fix it. Overall, I am happy with the result and she will fit in fine.  Now, I just need to think about what I want for other Mythic monsters that are Hera themed.  Probably some of the foes of Heracles makes sense.  

With the Ogres and Orcs left to paint from this boxed set, I think I am going to call this post complete.  Who knows how long it will take me.  The weather has been very hot here, and there is no sign it is going to get any cooler.  I don't really have A/C so it is not conducive to painting.  However, after finishing this boxed set, I all ready have two new projects in the pipeline! 


Adding some Persian Chariots to my Persian force.  These are from Wargames Atlantic.  The rest of the army is from Victrix so I am interested to see how they look in the same force.  Plus, I can use some of the extra troops to bulk out my Persian infantry a bit too.  

Then, I also got some new things from Victrix too.  

 A new force for Fury of the Northman.  These will be an Anglo-saxon force to go up against my Vikings and Irish.  The Dark Age archers were out-of-stock, but I will get a set o those next time I order from them.  I did want to add a new faction for that game this year, but I doubt it will get finished by the End of the Year.  

Until next time faithful readers! 

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